Monday, 7 March 2011

Seven (David Fincher, 1995)

The first thriller I chose to research was 'Seven' (David Fincher, 1995) this is because it is a personal favourite film of mine and the opening gave me lots of inspiration and ideas for my own sequence.

The sequence opens with a shot of a book opening in the foreground, in the background there is an out of focus hand turning the pages. The hand is out of focus so that the character remains a mystery and so that the audience are unable to create a connection with the character. The credits also appear throughout the sequence with a blurry crooked font, in this shot “new line credits presents”.

In between shots it cuts to a shot of a black background with credits in flickering to give a creepy effect. Fading to a shot of a picture of a pair of mangled hands, the picture looks like a photocopy, this again leaves the audience in confused as to what the image is actually of, as they don’t know who the hands belong to but it can be presumed that something unfortunate has happened to the owner of the hands.

After this shot there are a series of shots of the murderer preparing for something as he is checking tools and peeling his fingertips off with a razor blade which in itself is quite shocking and graphic for the audience to watch. But also shows that a sinister event is about to happen or will happen in the duration of the film.

This opening to this film is inspiring to my thriller because it doesn’t give too much of the story away which is what my aim is in this project because I know in past years when people have attempted this project they try to tell a whole story and give away too much in the first 2 minutes which tends to look rushed and not well thought out. I would like to set the scene and give the audience implications to what the film will be about which will keep the audience guessing which from my audience research I have found to be an aspect of the thriller genre people enjoy.

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